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Ready-made companies

Ready-made companies

Ready-made companies are companies which have already been incorporated, have received the authorization for carrying out business activities and have been registered in Companies register. Purchase of such company is an immense time economy compared to the time needed for incorporation of a company.
We offer you for sale high quality ready-made companies,
and we guarantee, by virtue of an agreement, that:
  • have exclusively been incorporated for the purpose of their sale,
  • have never carry out any business activity and the companies have no outstanding payments or liabilities,
  • the basic capital of the companies is paid up to the full extent,
  • the companies have the tax identification number (TIN) and are ready for an immediate performance of their business activity.

We have a ready-made company for you with a guarantee of satisfaction
Choose from the current offer
Ready-made company
from 2025
(non-payer of VAT)
655 €  455 €
Ready-made company from 2024
(non-payer of VAT)
655 €  555 €
Ready-made company from 2023
(non-payer of VAT)
655 €
Ready-made company (payer of VAT) 2650 €  2050 €
The price of the ready-made company includes
  • ensuring the processing of documentation for changes in the company
  • transfer of 100% business share in the company (change of partners)
    and appointment of new managers
  • other changes in the company as needed (business name, registered office, subject of activity)
  • court fee and registration of a change of data in the commercial register
  • advice of a lawyer in the entire sales process
  • fee for partners & directors without Slovak citizenship

Virtual office 3 months for free If you are interested you will receive a virtual office for 3 months free of charge with each company with absolutely no liabilities.
We have 5 attractive addresses in Bratislava.

Currently available

Currently we have  18  ready-made companies of the highest quality for sale. Choose one and start your business as soon as possible.
Filter Ready Made
  VAT registration
Filter Ready Made

Business name ID TIN VAT payer Date of entry Price
Zetta s. r. o.
Date of registration: 1.1.2025
455 € Reserve
Photovolt s. r. o.
Date of registration: 1.1.2025
455 €
Swifty s. r. o.
Date of registration: 1.1.2025
455 € Reserve
Valen s. r. o.
Date of registration: 1.1.2025
455 € Reserve
Ventu s. r. o.
Date of registration: 1.1.2025
455 € Reserve
» 2024
Zonix s. r. o.
Date of registration: 13.12.2024
2050 € Reserve
Founder s. r. o.
Date of registration: 10.12.2024
555 €
Chroma s. r. o.
Date of registration: 28.11.2024
555 € Reserve
Alladin s. r. o.
Date of registration: 27.11.2024
555 €
Decibel s. r. o.
Date of registration: 26.11.2024
555 € Reserve
Featured s. r. o.
Date of registration: 26.11.2024
555 €
Adventry s. r. o.
Date of registration: 26.11.2024
555 €
Parcelle s. r. o.
Date of registration: 26.11.2024
555 € Reserve
Defini s. r. o.
Date of registration: 26.11.2024
555 € Reserve
Beatz s. r. o.
Date of registration: 14.11.2024
555 €
Hamiret s. r. o.
Date of registration: 14.11.2024
2050 € Reserve
Atmos s. r. o.
Date of registration: 14.11.2024
555 €
Aromatic s. r. o.
Date of registration: 14.11.2024
555 €
Zetas s. r. o.
Date of registration: 15.9.2024
2050 €
Torines s. r. o.
Date of registration: 15.9.2024
2050 €
Bromlee s. r. o.
Date of registration: 3.9.2024
2050 € Reserve
Aniko s.r.o.
Date of registration: 15.8.2024
2050 € Reserve
ZAKARA s.r.o.
Date of registration: 19.3.2024
2050 €
LIMESAN s.r.o.
Date of registration: 19.3.2024
2050 € Reserve
NUPOMA s.r.o.
Date of registration: 19.3.2024
2050 € Reserve
LIERA s.r.o.
Date of registration: 14.3.2024
2050 € Reserve
LARISEN s. r. o.
Date of registration: 14.3.2024
2050 € Reserve
NASSIA s.r.o.
Date of registration: 3.1.2024
2050 € Reserve
Arcano s. r. o.
Date of registration: 1.1.2024
555 €
Arten s. r. o.
Date of registration: 1.1.2024
555 €
Metafor s. r. o.
Date of registration: 1.1.2024
555 €
Facade s. r. o.
Date of registration: 1.1.2024
555 €
Lazur s. r. o.
Date of registration: 1.1.2024
555 €
Digitum s. r. o.
Date of registration: 1.1.2024
555 €
Nicola s. r. o.
Date of registration: 1.1.2024
555 €
Atomik s. r. o.
Date of registration: 1.1.2024
555 €
Lautus s. r. o.
Date of registration: 1.1.2024
555 €
Nordi s. r. o.
Date of registration: 1.1.2024
555 € Reserve
Encanto s. r. o.
Date of registration: 1.1.2024
555 €
» 2023
Vendy s. r. o.
Date of registration: 23.5.2023
655 €

Show all companies from the offer
We have already sold you 1862 ready-made companies.

Express entry of data changes in the business register

In our offer, you can find ready-made companies registered in the business registers, which currently perform express registration of data changes. These companies are marked in our offer and it is possible to guarantee the entry of data changes within a maximum of 6 working days from the submission of the proposal to the business register. Changing the seat of such a company to our virtual offices in Bratislava does not affect the registration speed.

The business register of the Bratislava III Municipal Court has ongoing operational problems, and the entry of a change in the data of a ready-made company, which is based in the district of this court, may take longer.
Companies without a business history are a guarantee of your satisfaction

In our offer, we only have companies that have never performed any activity and were founded by our company exclusively for the purpose of selling them to our clients. From an accounting point of view, they are in the state of newly founded companies, when the only accounting transaction is the repayment of the cash contribution to their share capital.

In the case of last year's and older companies, we ensured the annual filing of the so-called zero tax return for income tax. The financial statements of these companies are publicly available in registers of financial statements.

Sale process of ready-made company

After having received the reservation, the selected company will be reserved for you for five working days.

The processing of documents for the transfer of a ready-made company can take place according to the agreement within 2 hours of receiving the order. The new manager is appointed to the position, as a rule, on the day when the price for the company is paid, and he can immediately act on behalf of the company.

1. Company reservation

After reservation, we will agree with you on the desired changes in the company.

2. Transfer of the ready-made company

The transfer of the company is possible during a personal meeting in our office or remotely.

3. Entry in the companies register

After signing the documents, we will ensure that the changes are recorded in the companies register, which completes the transfer.

Transfer during a personal meeting

We will communicate the details for the transfer of the company and the date of the meeting in advance by telephone and e-mail. Subsequently, during a personal meeting in our office at Račianská 88 B in Bratislava, you will sign the documentation and at the same time pay the price for the company in cash or by card payment.

Office at Racianska in Bratislava
meeting room for ready-made transfer
documents can be signed in the meeting room

Transfer from the distance

We will send you the documents for you to sign and the invoice for the company to pay by e-mail. After having printed and duly signed the documents you will send us the documents by mail.

map Slovakia - transfer from the distance

The documents will be processed as necessary within 2 hours as from the receipt of your order. You will be appointed to the position of the manager of the company with an immediate effect generally on the day of the payment of the price for the company (you will immediately be able to act on behalf of the company). Upon the completion of the signed documents, a motion for registration of change in data in Commercial register will be submitted, which will subsequently be processed usually within 5 – 7 working days. The sale process of ready-made company is legally completed after the new data of the company is entered into the Companies Register of the Slovak republic.

Extending the subject of the business activities

Our ready-made companies have the most used business purposes and trades, which will allow you a really wide spectrum of business activities. However, if the subjects of activities of our business companies are not sufficient we will provide you with a possible extension within the range of free trade licenses free of charge. Addition of a regulated trade or a trade with special qualification will be charged.


All our ready-made companies have a registered capital of 5000 EUR, which is paid in full . When buying a ready-made company, the share capital does not need to be repaid .

The share capital of any ready-made company can be increased to any amount for a surcharge.
Do you need advice or want to ask something?  We will call you.

Virtual office for 3 months free of charge without commitments

For each ready-made company you can use any virtual registered seat from our offer for three months absolutely free of charge without any commitments. We offer four attractive addresses in Bratislava.

Virtual office Bratislava Racianska
Bratislava 3
Račianska 88 B
831 02 Bratislava
common price  from 7 € / monthly
Attractive registered seat in Nové Mesto with reception services for the best price.
virtual office Račianska
Virtual office Bratislava Kosicka
Bratislava 2
Košická 52/A,
821 08 Bratislava
common price  from 10 € / monthly
Modern registered seat in multifunctional building in Ružinov.
virtual office Košická
Virtual office Bratislava Tallerova
Bratislava 1
Tallerova 4,
811 02 Bratislava
common price  from 12 € / monthly
Prestigious address in historical centre of Staré Mesto.
virtual office Tallerova
Virtual office Bratislava Zamocka
Bratislava 1
Zámocká 3,
811 01 Bratislava
common price  from 18 € / monthly
Prominent address in Staré Mesto close to Bratislava Castle.
virtual office Zámocká
Virtual office Bratislava Namestie SNP
Bratislava 1
Nám. SNP 23,
811 01 Bratislava
common price from 22 € / monthly
Virtual office at a well-known address in the very center of Bratislava.
virtual office SNP

to ready-made

If you have any further questions, contact us.
Is the price for a ready-made company final?
The listed price does not increase by VAT. As long as the subject of the activity is not expanded to include regulated or craft trades, or if the share capital will not increase, the price is final. In the process of buying a ready-made company, apart from the fees for verifying your signature at a notary or at the registry office, you will not incur any additional costs.

Do I need an extract from the criminal record?
No, you do not need an extract from the criminal record in the process of buying a ready-made company. Your integrity will be automatically checked by the trade office, only after the data in commercial register has been changed.

When buying a ready-made company, do I need to repay the share capital?
No, the share capital of each of our companies is paid in full, and it is not necessary to pay it back or document it in any way during the purchase process. You will only pay the listed price of the ready-made company.

Does the TIN number change when selling a ready-made company?
No, the company's TIN number never changes, nor does the company ID number. These unique identifiers remain unchanged during the entire life cycle of the company, regardless of how the company's business name, managers, partners or registered office change.

Do I need the approval of the tax office?
No, tax office approval is not required unless you have a tax debt. All you have to do is sign a declaration that you are not a tax debtor, which we will process for you. The court examines the veracity of this statement when entering the data changes in the commercial register.

When can I act on behalf of a ready-made company?
As a rule, you can act on behalf of the company from the date of creation of the position of manager, which is usually the day when there is a personal meeting and payment of the price for the company. In the case of a remote transfer, we will confirm you the exact date of the creation of the position of manager by e-mail.

What is the TIN of the ready-made company?
Each of our ready-made companies has an assigned tax identification number (TIN), which we will inform you of during the purchase process.

What must the new manager and partner of the ready-made company meet?

Eligibility of persons in the acquired limited liability company:

manager  llc. partner  llc.
tax debt is not judged is not judged
social security debt is not judged is not judged
health insurance debt is not judged is not judged
execution in the Slovak Republic must not have
any execution
must not have
any execution
criminal integrity integrity is examined when declaring a business (unexpired convictions in connection with business) is not judged
legal subjectivity a natural person who is an EU / OECD citizen or has a residence permit in the Slovak Republic natural or legal person, domestic or foreign without limitation

What is included in the price of a ready-made company?
Included is the company itself and the registration of changes in the company to the Business Register. Additional fee is required for change of the registered capital, processing of bilingual Slovak - English documents and applying for regulated, vocational or licensed trade activities.

Do you offer bank account opening service for a ready-made company?
No, we do not offer this kind of service. However our clients are able to open their company bank account right after they are registered as the new company directors in the Business Register.

When can I open a bank account for my ready-made company?
Once you are registered as the new company director in the Business Register and you have an abstract from the Business register to confirm it, you are able to open a bank account in any bank in Slovakia.

Do I need a residence permit in Slovakia to buy a ready-made company?
If you are a citizen of any member state of EU or OECD countries, then you do not need to be a holder of a residence permit in Slovakia to be able to be registered as a company director in a ready-made company.

Show all FAQ

Reservation of ready-made company

Company:  *
Transfer of company:
    Contact person
Name:  *
Surname:  *
Email:  *
Phone:  *